Back in the USA!
I've arrived "few" days ago ! Yay. After a 11h plane non stop from Madrid to Dallas, and running to everywhere with a fast pass since the place was delayed.
This was mostly the views I had during 11h. White clouds and a gorgeous blue sky.
I arrived safe to San Francisco. It was a really nice trip although it was always sunny and got some jokes on the plane since we flight on April's fools. It seemed that the weather in San Francisco was horribly cold, windy and with a lightning storm and we woudn't be able to depart. Luckily it was just a joke.
Really, what would you guys do if you were 11h on a plane? I don't really know how I did it. I was sleeping and trying to sleep most of the time (。-ω-)zzz
I'll be posting some updates about the things we have been doing here!
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